My last couple of weeks here…

31 07 2008

So I am in my last couple of weeks here in Michigan. I’m working a backyard Bible club at the house I stay at. We’ve had 9-10 kids each day. Really pray for these kids…we know of at least 3 or 4 who aren’t Christians and today was the day where we share the plan of salvation through the ABC’s (Admit, Believe, and Commit). Pray that God will begin growing the seeds that have been sown this week.

The pastor at the church I’m at had a stint put in during Sunday School this past Sunday. He had a heart attack a few years ago and went to the hospital with chest pains. He’s doing very well and is spending some time at home getting some good quality rest. Keep him in your prayers as he continues to recover.

Over the past 2 weeks, I’ve spent a couple hours a day for about 5 days with a Deaf-Blind lady from church. My mission with her was to teach her how to operate PowerPoint to help with Deaf worship services. Praise God for His provision of clear communication! We had our rough moments that were frustrating for both of us, but I can definitely say that she can successfully create a PowerPoint presentation now! I think it was a great feeling of accomplishment for both of us when we saw the finished product! It was awesome…a challenge, no doubt…but totally worth it to see how proud and excited she was about her work.

The church VBS will begin Sunday night and continue through Thursday night. They’re expecting quite a few people. This is a VBS for the whole family…not just the kids. The theme is “Outrigger Island” with all the Hawaiian tropical stuff. I’m very excited! I’m working with a great team in the preschool department with 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s. We have some very cool stuff planned for these kids! Pray for all the leaders as they prepare to share the love of Christ with these kids through VBS. Pray for my boyfriend as he flies tomorrow. He’s coming up from Kentucky to help teach the youth group during VBS. God can do amazing things through VBS! Pray that God will really speak to all the hearts of the people involved in a very special way.

That’s the update for now…as I get more information for you, I’ll definitely keep you posted! : ) Thanks for your prayers!